When you are facing a DUI charge and a possible criminal charge for causing an accident, don’t get caught with a lawyer that doesn’t possess the skills and the experience necessary to protect your rights and your freedom. The Aurora DUI attorney has been successfully defending clients caught up in DUI accident cases for a number of years. Contact our office today for a free initial consultation.
Police officers and prosecutors face a lot of pressure to deal harshly with DUI offenders, especially those that are involved in DUI accidents. The “fault” for a DUI accident is most always pinned on the DUI driver. If your accident caused an injury or death, you are facing being charged with a felony and potentially being sentenced to spend many years in prison. If you are charged with Vehicular Manslaughter, which is a category of homicide, you face an even more dire future.
At the law office of the Aurora DUI attorney, our legal team works aggressively to attack and invalidate the DUI charges against our clients. We will thoroughly investigate every detail of your accident case to determine the best course of action in getting you the best outcome possible for your case.
If you were the cause of your accident, but the injuries were only minor or your BAC level was low, our team will bargain for a plea deal to decrease the severity of your charges.
The Aurora DUI attorney can help you regain your freedom and your peace of mind. Contact us today for a free initial review and consultation regarding your case.